Unit 6 Resting and Relaxing
Unit 6 Resting and Relaxing
Take a nap to sleep (usually for a short time)
Also: take a snooze
▪ Every afternoon old Mr. Jones takes a nap on his porch for an hour.
▪ I lay down on the couch and took a quick snooze in the afternoon.
Take a break to rest by stopping work or play
Also: take a breather
▪ We’ve been working hard on this spreadsheet for ever three hours. It’s time to take a break.
▪ The hikers took a breather during a very steep portion if the trail.
Take a easy to relax, not to work hard
USAGE NOTE: This idiom may be used when someone is upset and should relax.
▪ There’s no reason to work so hard. Take it easy!
▪ Why is Eduardo so angry at Elaine? He should take it easy.
Have free time to have little or no work to do, to have extra time
Also: have time on one’s hands, have time to kill
▪ Whenever Mr. Ness has free time, he goes camping tn the moutains.
▪ Amy’s job is so easy that she has lots of time on her hands to read.
▪ Because we had time to kill in San Diego, we saw a few more sights.
Pass the time to spend time (usually relaxing)
Also: while away
USAGE NOTE: This idiom is followed by an expression of time, such as the hours, the days, and so on.
▪ Our flight was delayed on departure, so we passed the time playing cards.
▪ On the small island of Tahiti, we had nothing to do but while away the hours.
Daydream to think about something not related to what is happening at that moment
GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: This idiom is used when a person is not aware of what is happening around him or her because the person is thinking about other matters. It can also be used as a noun.
▪ Sandra sat at her desk and daydreamed about being with her boyfriend.
▪ It would be dangerous for an airline pilot to have a daydream while flying.
Loosen up to become more relaxed, to become informal
Also: let one’s hair down
▪ This vacation is just the right way for me to loosen up and enjoy myself.
▪ Alana is serious at the office, but at parties she likes to let her hair down.