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2007. 3. 20. 16:24 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 20 Visiting

Pay a visit to visit (usually by previous arrangement)

             Also: call on

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: Thess idioms describe more formal visits that are usually prearranged. An object can be put after the verv in pay a visit.

             ▪ The country doctor paid a visit to a sick patient on a distant farm.

             ▪ I made sure to pay Alexandra a visit when I traveled to Chicago.

             ▪ The salesman called on the manager at the appointed time.

Drop in (on) to visit (usually not by previous arrangement)

             Also: drop by, come by, come over

         USAGE NOTE: Only the main entry can be used with on, followed by the identity of the person who is visited.

             ▪ It’s a pleasure to see you again. Please drop in any time.

             ▪ When Stan dropped in on an old friend, she was quite surprised to see him.

             ▪ I wanted to drop by earlier, but when it got so late I decided not to come over.

             ▪ Why don’t you come by tonight and we’ll talk some more?

Swing by to visit (often for the prupose of getting or buying something)

             Also: stop by

USAGE NOTE: These forms can also be used for informal visits (see previous entry).

             ▪ Why don’t you swing by my house to vorrow the tools that you need?

             ▪ Doreen stopped by the supermarket on her way home from work.

Stop over to visit (usually overnight)

             Related form: stopover(noun meaning “short stop”)

         USAGE NOTE: Both idioms usually refer to an airplane trip.

             ▪ On our trip north, we stopped over in San Francisco for two days.

             ▪ The airplane make a stopover in New York before continuting to Paris.

Get together to meet or gather for a visit

             Related form: get-together(noun)

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is used for family gatherings and other group visits.

             ▪ All of my relatives get together at Thanksgiving for a turkey feast.

             ▪ If you’d like, we can have a get-together this weekend in my backyard.

Show in to guide someone idside, especially into one’s home.

             Also: come on in

             GRAMMAR NOTE: Show in is separable. Come on in is an invariable expression.

             ▪ Someone is knocking at the door. Could you show them in?

             ▪ Hey, Joe, I’m glad you could make it. Come on in!

make oneself at home to relax by removing one’s coat, sitting down, and getting comfortable

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is used when guests first arrive.

             ▪ I’m glad you could come. Please make yourself at home.

             ▪ Helena’s guests made themselves at home in her warm and cozy living room.

Feel at home to feel comfortable, to be relaxed

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is often used when it takes some time to feel relaxed in a ner environment.

             ▪ The Jognsons are good hosts. They know how to make their guests feel at home.

           ▪ It’s difficult to feel at home in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language.

Take a seat to sit on a couch, chair, stool, or other similar pieces of furniture

             ▪ Give me your coat and then take a seat in the living room. The meeting will begin soon.

Show out to guide someone out of somewhere such as one’s workplace or home

             Also: see out

             GRAMMAR NOTE: These idioms are separable.

             ▪ The zoo ranger had to show out several families that were still in the zoo when it closed.

             ▪ It was so nice of you to come. Let me see you out.

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