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'숙어'에 해당되는 글 19건

  1. 2007.03.20 Unit 20 Visiting
  2. 2007.03.20 Unit 19 Inviting
  3. 2007.03.20 Unit 18 Dating and Friendship
  4. 2007.03.20 Unit 17 Family
  5. 2007.03.20 Unit 16 Eating and Dining
  6. 2007.03.20 Unit 15 Shopping
  7. 2007.03.20 Unit 14 School
  8. 2007.03.20 Unit 13 Communicating
2007. 3. 20. 16:24 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 20 Visiting

Pay a visit to visit (usually by previous arrangement)

             Also: call on

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: Thess idioms describe more formal visits that are usually prearranged. An object can be put after the verv in pay a visit.

             ▪ The country doctor paid a visit to a sick patient on a distant farm.

             ▪ I made sure to pay Alexandra a visit when I traveled to Chicago.

             ▪ The salesman called on the manager at the appointed time.

Drop in (on) to visit (usually not by previous arrangement)

             Also: drop by, come by, come over

         USAGE NOTE: Only the main entry can be used with on, followed by the identity of the person who is visited.

             ▪ It’s a pleasure to see you again. Please drop in any time.

             ▪ When Stan dropped in on an old friend, she was quite surprised to see him.

             ▪ I wanted to drop by earlier, but when it got so late I decided not to come over.

             ▪ Why don’t you come by tonight and we’ll talk some more?

Swing by to visit (often for the prupose of getting or buying something)

             Also: stop by

USAGE NOTE: These forms can also be used for informal visits (see previous entry).

             ▪ Why don’t you swing by my house to vorrow the tools that you need?

             ▪ Doreen stopped by the supermarket on her way home from work.

Stop over to visit (usually overnight)

             Related form: stopover(noun meaning “short stop”)

         USAGE NOTE: Both idioms usually refer to an airplane trip.

             ▪ On our trip north, we stopped over in San Francisco for two days.

             ▪ The airplane make a stopover in New York before continuting to Paris.

Get together to meet or gather for a visit

             Related form: get-together(noun)

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is used for family gatherings and other group visits.

             ▪ All of my relatives get together at Thanksgiving for a turkey feast.

             ▪ If you’d like, we can have a get-together this weekend in my backyard.

Show in to guide someone idside, especially into one’s home.

             Also: come on in

             GRAMMAR NOTE: Show in is separable. Come on in is an invariable expression.

             ▪ Someone is knocking at the door. Could you show them in?

             ▪ Hey, Joe, I’m glad you could make it. Come on in!

make oneself at home to relax by removing one’s coat, sitting down, and getting comfortable

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is used when guests first arrive.

             ▪ I’m glad you could come. Please make yourself at home.

             ▪ Helena’s guests made themselves at home in her warm and cozy living room.

Feel at home to feel comfortable, to be relaxed

         USAGE NOTE: This idiom is often used when it takes some time to feel relaxed in a ner environment.

             ▪ The Jognsons are good hosts. They know how to make their guests feel at home.

           ▪ It’s difficult to feel at home in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language.

Take a seat to sit on a couch, chair, stool, or other similar pieces of furniture

             ▪ Give me your coat and then take a seat in the living room. The meeting will begin soon.

Show out to guide someone out of somewhere such as one’s workplace or home

             Also: see out

             GRAMMAR NOTE: These idioms are separable.

             ▪ The zoo ranger had to show out several families that were still in the zoo when it closed.

             ▪ It was so nice of you to come. Let me see you out.

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 19 Inviting  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 18 Dating and Friendship  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 17 Family  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:23 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 19 Inviting

How about..? a question form that is often used to make an invitation

             GRAMMAR NOTE: This idiom is usually followed by a gerund(verb+-ing)or a noun.

             ▪ Hi, Jane, I’m glad to see you. How about going to the dance with me tonight?

             ▪ I have an idea. How about lunch and a movie tomorrow afternoon?

Be free to be available for some occasion

             Are you free Saturday night to go to the museum reception?

             ▪ I called Tom to see if he was free to attend the meeting with me.

Ask out to invite on a date

             GRAMMAR NOTE: This idiom is separable.

             ▪ Poor Gary had to ask out several women before one of them accepted his invitation to the charity ball.

             ▪ Have you asked jill out on a date yet?

Have over to invite someont to visit one’s home

             GRAMMAR NOTE: This idiom is separable.

             ▪ Christina had over her entire family for Christmas dinner.

             ▪ I’d like to have you over for lunch some day when you’re free.

Go along(with) to accompany to a social activity.

             Also: come along(with), tag along(with)

         ▪ Wilma went along with her friends to the shopping center even though she really didn’t want to.

             ▪ Would you like to come along with us to Disneyland?

             ▪ Bob let his younger brothers tag along to the park because they asked nicely.

Take someone up on to accept an invitation or other offer

             Also: You’re on

             GRAMMAR NOTE: This idiom is separable.

▪ I wouldn’t turn down anyone who offered me a chance at a millon-dollar reward.

             ▪ Mr.Greer has asked his neighbor out many times, but she continues to turn him down.

Take a raincheck to postpone an invitation until a later time

             USAGE NOTE: Don’t confuse this idiom with the similar one in Unit 15, where it is used for purchasing unavailable sale items at a later date.

             ▪ I’m too busy to accept your kind invitation this time, but I’ll take a raincheck, OK?

             ▪ Instead of turning his invitation down right away, she took a raincheck.


'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 20 Visiting  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 18 Dating and Friendship  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 17 Family  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:22 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 18 Dating and Friendship

Go out (with) to date, to accompany socially on a single date

             Also: take someone out

             GRAMMAR NOTE: Take out is separable.

             Dave wanted to go out with the new girl at school, but he was too shy to ask.

             ▪ Mr. Nguyen took his fiancee out to a fancy restaurant on her birthday.

Go with to date on a regular basis

             Also: go steady (with)

             USAGE NOTE: Go steady is not commonly used by younger people. Go out with can also be used for a series of dates.

             ▪ Ula has been going with Sven for several months.

             ▪ Frank lets his girlfriend wear his jacket because they’re going steady.

             ▪ How long have you been going out with your friendly neighbor?

Blind date a date with a person whom one has not met before

             ▪ My roommate arranged a blind date for me so that I’d have someone to go to the party with.

             ▪ Sam didn’t want to go on a blind date, but he actually enjoyed I t very much.

Fix up (with) to arrange for two people to date

             Also: set up (with)

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: Fix up and set up are separable. The subject of the sentence is the person who arranges the date for another person.

             ▪ Craig didn’t have a date for the dance, so he was glad when his older bother fixed up up.

             ▪ The single mother’s sons finally succeeded in setting her up with a date.

Old flame a previous boyfriend or girlfriend

             Opposite meaning: new flame

             ▪ Kim was surprised when she accidentally met an old flame at the supermarket.

             ▪ Fred’s new flame has caused him to forget completely about his difficult divorce.

Break up (with) to end a relationship, to stop dating

             Also: split up (with), break off

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: Break off is separable.

             In the United States, 50 percent of all married people eventually break up.

             ▪ Dwight split up with his wife after ten years of marriage.

             ▪ The two high school students were tired of dating each other, so they broke their relationship off.

Stand someone up to fail to appear for a date, to leave waiting, to cancel at the last minute.

             GRAMMAR NOTE: The idiom is separable, and the object is usually after the verb.

             ▪ I can’t believe that Lydia stood Jake up last night without even calling him.

             ▪ Juergen waited an hour for his date, but it was obvious that she had stood him up.

Make up (with) to become friendly again after an argument or disagreement

             Also: get back together, bury the hatchet

             ▪ After two days of not talking to each other, Casey and Ann made up.

             ▪ Cindy tried to make up with her boyfriend, but he was still too upset.

             ▪ When two married people split up, they sometimes get back together at a later time.

             ▪ Let’s bury the hatchet and try to fix the problems in our relationship.


'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 20 Visiting  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 19 Inviting  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 17 Family  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:22 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 17 Family

Come from to originate from a place

             Also: be from

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: These idioms refer to one’s present or past homeland. When referring to one’s present homeland, only the simple present tense is used.

             ▪ Most of the students in my class come from Asia.

             ▪ Patrick’s ancestors all came from Scotland 200 years ago.

             ▪ I’m from Uruguay. Where are you from?

Grow up 1) to develop from a child into an adult 2) to mature

             Related form: grown-up (noun form meaning “adult”)

             USAGE NOTE: Grow up has two meanings. The first refers to natural physical development from child to adult. The second refers to reasonable, mature behavior.

             ▪ Mike was born in New York, but grew up in California.

             ▪ My fourteen-year-old son still acts foolishly. I hope he grows up soon.

             ▪ Small children need the constant supervision of grown-ups.

Bring up to raise, to rear, to educate

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: This idiom is separable. Note how it differs from grow up above: Children grow up (no object); parents bring up children (object).

             ▪ Martina is a well-adjusted child. Ger parents have brought her up carefully.

             ▪ It’s sometimes difficult to bring up children in today’s society.

Fresh and blood one’s relatives and immediate family

             USAGE NOTE: This idiom often is preceded by one’s own….

             ▪ All of our fresh and blood came to the big family reunion.

             ▪ Sue doesn’t want to tell the police about her brother’s crime because he’s her own fresh and blood.

Take after to resemble, to look like (for physical appearance)

             Also: be a chip off the old block

             USAGE NOTE: Take after can refer to similarities in personality or physical appearance. Be a chip off the block is used when two people in a family share the same characteristics in personality.

             ▪ Did you notice how Kate takes after her father in personality, but ger mother in looks?

             ▪ Larry is about as lazy as his father. He’s just a chip off the old block.

Settle down to begin a regular, stable life

             Also: put down roots

             USAGE NOTE: These idioms are used when someone who often moves or travels a lot finally decides to live a more normal life in one place. Settle down is also used for perple who have lived active social lives but are ready to limit their activities.

             ▪ Teresa’s family moved from state to state until finally they settled down in Arizona.

             ▪ After years of travelling and partying, Jason decided to settle down and have a family.

             ▪ My ancestors put down roots in America over a century ago.

Hand down to give from one generation to the next

             Also: pass down

             GRAMMAR NOTE: The pronoun me in hand-me-down cannot change form in any way.

             ▪ I still have the old stamp collection that my grandfather handed down to me.

             ▪ In every society, important traditions are passed down from generation to generation.

             ▪ Nancy has kept every hand-me-down that her relatives have ever given ger.

Give birth (to) to bear a child

             Also: have a child, have a (baby) boy/girl

             ▪ Mrs. Larsen’s family was surprised when she gave birth to twins.

             ▪ Have you and your husband decided whether you’re ready to have a child yet?

             ▪ My sister just had a bay boy. I’m an uncle!

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 19 Inviting  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 18 Dating and Friendship  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 14 School  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:21 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 16 Eating and Dining

Ear out to eat a meal prepared at a restaurant

             Also: grab a bite to eat

             Opposite meaning: eat in (to eat at home)

             USAGE NOTE: Grab a bite to eat is used to talk about a quick meal or snack.

             Every Saturday night the Thompsons eat out at their favorite restaurant.

             ▪ Let’s grab a bite to eat one the way to the theater, OK?

             ▪ It’s been a long day. Why don’t we eat in tonight?

Take out to leave a restaurant with the food instead of eating it there

             Also: carry out, to go

             GRAMMAR NOTE: Take out and carry out are separable.

             ▪ Many restaurants allow you to take out the food on their menus.

             ▪ Umberto decided to carry his dinner out rather than eat in the restaurant.

             ▪ Sir, is this order for here or to go?

Junk food food that has poor nutritional value

             ▪ Fast-food restaurants are the most familiar places that serve junk food.

             ▪ Hamburgers, french fries, and milkshakes are typical examples of juck food.

Eat up to eat completely, to devout

             Also: gobble up

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: Both forms are separable. Gobble up generally refers to the act of eating very quickly.

             ▪ The boys were so hungry that they ate up all the hot dogs in a couple of minutes.

             ▪ John gobbled the food up without even saying a word.

Leftovers food that remains uneaten from a meal

             Related form: be left over (verb)

             ▪ I usually cook extra food for dinner and then save the leftovers for snacks and other meals.

             ▪ Judy expected some food to be left over from Thanksgiving, but it was all eaten.

Doggy bag a special container for taking uneaten food from a restaurant

             ▪ If some food is left over from a restaurant meal, you can ask for a doggy bag to take it with you.

             ▪ A doggy bag can be anything from a nice plastic container to a simple foil wrapper.

Pot luck a meal where each invited person contributes one item of food

             GRAMMAR NOTE: This idiom can be hypgenated to form an adjective. (In some dictionaries, this idiom is spelled as one word.)

             ▪ Sarah enjoys going to pot lucks because there is always such a variety of food.

             ▪ A pot-lucks picnic is a popular activity in the summertime.

Pig out to eat too much food

             Also: stuff one’s face

             USAGE NOTE: Both idioms are used informally.

             ▪ After I’ve pigged out on ice cream at night, I always regret it the next day.

             ▪ It’s impolite to stuff your face in front of other people, especially guests.

Wolf down to eat or drink very quickly

             Also: gulp down

             GRAMMAR NOTE/USAGE NOTES: Both idioms are separable. Wolf down is used for food and drink in general. Gulp down is generally used for drink.

             ▪ Ulrike wolfed down her breakfast before leaving for work.

             Gulping down cold water while you’re exercising can cause a stomachache.

Have a sweet tooth to enjoy eating sweet foods such as candies and desserts.

             USAGE NOTE: Adverbs such as quite and adjectives such as bad can be added.

             ▪ Joan always has a supply of chocolates on ger desk. She has quite a sweet tooth.

             ▪ Ted is overweight because he has a bad sweet tooth.

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 18 Dating and Friendship  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 17 Family  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 14 School  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 13 Communicating  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:19 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 15 Shopping

Pick up to buy, to purchase

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: This idiom is separable. It is often used for shopping briefly at a grocery store or supermarket.

             Could you go to the store quickly and pick up some milk? We don’t have any more.

             ▪ I picked a few things up at the supermarket on my way home from work.

Pick out to select, to choose

             GRAMMAR NOTE: The idiom is separable.

             ▪ I tried to pick out the larger, riper apples in the produce section.

             ▪ Sheila asked her mom to go with her to pick some new clothes out.

On sale at a reduced cost

             ▪ By buying things when they’re on sale, it’s possible to save a lot of money.

             ▪ I asked the clerk, “Do these expensive watches ever go on sale?”

hunt for bargains to look for the cheapest prices

             related form: bargain-hunter (noun)

             ▪ The week after Christmas is the best time to hunt for bargains.

             Bargain-hunters like to shop in thrift stores such as the Family Discount Chain.

Shop around to check further on cost, quality, and so on before buying

             Also: look around

             ▪ I shopped around at several stores before finding the refrigerator I wanted.

             ▪ My wife asked me, “Shouldn’t we look around more before deciding what to get?”

window-shop to look at merchandise in stores without buying anything

             also: go window-shopping

             ▪ It’s fun to get together with a friend and window-shop.

             ▪ When Carol doesn’t have extra money, she loves to go window-shopping.

Buy up to buy all available items

             Also: snap up

             ▪ Just before the hurricane, people bought up all the bottled water in the stores.

             ▪ On the day of the big sale, all the best items were snapped up first.

Raincheck a receipt to purchase an unavailable sale item later at the sale price

             USAGE NOTE: When a business sells all of a particular sale item, it offers rainchecks to customers so that they can buy the item when it becomes available later, still at the sale price.

             ▪ Umberto asked the cashier for a raincheck because the sale item he wanted was all gone.

             ▪ Could I please have a raincheck for a ten-pound bag of dog food at half price?

Stock up (on) to purchase extra amounts for later use

             Also: load up (on)

             ▪ Department stores always stock up on gift items before Christmas.

             ▪ After experiencing a serious oil shortage years ago, oil companies are careful to stock up.

             ▪ People who live in very cold places load up on firewood before winter arrives.

Take back to return merchandise to a store

             Also: bring back

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: Both idioms are separable. Take back is generally used when talking outside the store, bring back when talking inside the store.

             Louie couldnt take back the jacket he bought because it was on sale.

             ▪ Can I bring this compact disc player back if I’m not satisfied with it?

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 17 Family  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 14 School  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 13 Communicating  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 12 On the Telephone  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:18 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 14 School

Sign up (for) to register (for), to enroll (in)

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: People who cannot sign up for themselves become the object of the verb. In this case the idiom is separable. The idiom is often used for sports activites.

             The Smiths seventeen-year-old son signed up for classes at the public university.

             ▪ Laura signed her son up for a gymnastics class at the recreation center.

             ▪ If you want to get on the volleyball team, it’s not too late to sign up.

Hit the books to study, sometimes after much delay

             ▪ Students have no choice but to hit the books before taking their final exams.

Brush up on to review

             Also: bone up on

             USAGE NOTE: Bone up on is more informal than brush up on.

             ▪ As you learn new vocabulary, it’s good to brush up on it regularly.

             ▪ The medical student had to bone up on the respiratory system before her oral exams.

Pop quiz a short, unannounced test

             ▪ There may be a couple of pop quizes this semester in addition to the regular exams.

             ▪ All the students became worried when the teacher announced a pop quiz.

Hand in to submit

             Also: turn in

             GRAMMAR NOTE: Both idioms are separable.

             ▪ Please hand in your homework before you leave the classroom.

             ▪ The professor turned his course grades in to the admissions and records office.

Hand out to distribute

             Also: pass out

             Related form: handout (noun)

             GRAMMAR NOTE: The two verb forms are separable.

             ▪ On the first day of classes, the professor handed out the course syllabus.

             ▪ Politicians and salespersons are allowed on campus to pass flyers out.

             ▪ I’ve been given so many handouts this semester that there’s no room in my notebook!

Teacher’s pet someone who seems to be the teacher’s favorite student

             ▪ I think that Jonathan got an A because he’s the teacher’s pet.

             ▪ The teacher’s pet is usually a student who gets special treatment and privileges.

Cut class(es) to not attend class(es)

             Also: play hooky, ditch school

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: Class can be either singular or plural. The alternate forms are used when missing school is against the rules.

             ▪ Aaron and Yousef cut classes on Friday in order to have a three-day weekend.

             ▪ The troublesome teenagers played hooky for two days, but when they tired to ditch school for a third day, they were caught and punished.

Drop out (of) to stop attending regularly

             Also: flunk out (of)

             Related form: dropout (noun)

             USAGE NOTE: Flunk out is used when the reason for dropping out is failing grades.

             ▪ Michael had to drop out of school in order to work full-time.

             ▪ When Judy flunked out of high school with bad grades, she became another dropout.

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 16 Eating and Dining  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 13 Communicating  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 12 On the Telephone  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 11 Small Talk  (0) 2007.03.20
posted by ExclamationMark™
2007. 3. 20. 16:17 STuDy/iDioMS

Unit 13 Communicating

Drop someone a line to mail a letter to someone

             Larry dropped Angela a line so that she would know where he moved.

             ▪ Why don’t you drop me a line some time to let me know how you’re doing?

Dash off to write a quick letter or note to someone

             Also: get off

             GRAMMAR/USAGE NOTES: These idioms are separable, and are used when something is written in a hurry or at the last possible moment.

             ▪ Mrs. Sato dashed off a note to ger husband before heading to work.

             ▪ San got off a birthday card to his brother with no time to spare.

Hear from to receive a letter or phone call from someone

             ▪ Have you heard from Marco since he left on his trip?

             ▪ It’s so good to hear from you again, Bernice!

Be in touch (with) to have contact or communication with someone

             Opposite meaning: be out of touch (with)

             USAGE NOTE: Both idioms can also be used with the verbs keep and stay.

             ▪ Don’t worry. I’ll be in touch with you early tomorrow morning.

             ▪ My high school friends and I have kept in touch over the years through correspondence.

             ▪ Just because you’re moving, it doesn’t mean that we can’t stay in touch.

             ▪ While camping alone in the mountains, Yoshio was out of touch with everyone.

Get in touch with to contact, to reach

             Also: get ahold of, touch base with

             GRAMMAR NOTE: The word base can be either singular or plural.

             ▪ My office assistant can get in touch with me in an emergency.

             ▪ Do you know how to get ahold of Fred? I’ve lost his number.

             ▪ The Madisons asked their daughter to touch base with them often while away at school.

Get back to to contact someone again

             Also: get back with

             ▪ As soon as I receive more information about the party, I’ll get back to you.

             ▪ The manager said that she’d get back with the salesperson as soon as she had decided what furniture to buy.

Talk a mile a minute to talk very quickly

             Also: speak a mile a minute

            ▪ Some TV and radio commercials are difficult to understand because the people are talking a mile a minute.

             ▪ When you visit a foreign country and don’t know the landuage, everyone seems to be speaking a mile a minute.

Bend someone’s ear to talk for a long time without much iterruption

             Also: talk someone’s ear off

             USAGE NOTE: These idioms are used when someone is being forced to listen.

             ▪ Ali kept saying that it was late, but the visitor bent his ear for over two hours.

             ▪ Gow could Mark talk my ear off like that when ge knew I was sick?

Yackety-yak meaningless noise or uninteresting conversation

             ▪ All I heard was a lot of yackety-yak when I entered the crowded room.

             ▪ When someones bends you ear, you can say that it’s just a bunch of yackety-yak

juck mail generally unwanted information sent through the mail by businesses

             ▪ Some people don’t mind looking at junk mail, while others hate to receive it.

             ▪ You can be sure that the postal delevery persons don’t like to carry junk mail!

'STuDy > iDioMS' 카테고리의 다른 글

Unit 15 Shopping  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 14 School  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 12 On the Telephone  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 11 Small Talk  (0) 2007.03.20
Unit 10 The Weather  (0) 2007.03.20
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